Branching Out

It’s my favorite week of the year.  Why you might ask?  It’s because the crab apple tree in my backyard is in full bloom!  Yes, I’m easy to please.   As I look at the fluffy pink blossoms, I am in awe of mother nature.  Some years are better than others, but she’s always branching out, getting bigger and fuller over time.  

I am also branching out so to speak.  The pandemic is winding down, thankfully, and I am making very few masks.  In fact, I’ve made so many that if I never make another one it will be too soon.  It was a good run that filled a need, but now I am freed up to create and design new things and tend to myself so that I will keep growing.

How do I tend my Ellie tree?  

  • Step one is making time to cultivate my creativity. I was actually just playing around in my studio, singing along to the radio, when I made my dog a Burberry coat and now it’s my bestseller on Etsy. Who knew?  

  •  Step two is pruning my offerings.  As an Etsy seller you find out pretty quickly what people like and will buy.  This data helps guide my creativity.  Mostly, people are buying my original designs that they can’t get anywhere else.  This has been both fun and gratifying.  

  •  Step three is proper watering.  Okay, I use red wine personally, but I’m always hydrated, lol. I officially recommend water.  

Want to get your creative self blooming? My advice is to cut back the dead branches in your life; whether it’s too many errands, saying yes to things you don’t really want to do, or maybe just letting the dishes sit a while so you have time to nurture your creative side.  We all need to continually make new friends, find new interests and learn new things in order to keep coming back year after year, brighter and full of life.  

Happy spring! You can indeed bloom right where you’re planted.

Please check out my new listings on Etsy shop at


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