Pets & Friends & Friends & Pets

“Pets and friends and friends and pets.”  My daughter used to walk around the house saying that when she was 3, referring to her large collection of imaginary friends and stuffed animals.   In a way, this little saying describes my business perfectly.  The team consists of me, Ringo, a cocker spaniel and Wilbur, a Lhasa Apso mix.  Ringo is beautiful and seemingly sweet yet rather self-absorbed.  Wilbur is less photogenic and let’s just say his heart is bigger than his brain.  I’m in charge of the sewing and they are in charge of the couch warming and barking at the delivery people, you’re welcome.  

 It’s amazing how pets bring people together, as evidenced at the recent dog birthday party I attended with my staff.  Harley the Goldendoodle sure knows how to entertain.  My friend’s front yard was filled with neighbors enjoying hot dogs, lawn chairs, decorations and some rather indelicate sniffing.   I, of course, made Harley a houndstooth, monogrammed, doggie neck tie as a gift. He won’t wear it but I forgive him that.

 During this time of social distancing, I have been surprised at how sewing, like a dog party, is actually connecting me with real friends and pets, as opposed to my daughter’s imaginary ones.  Apart from the masks and quilts, I have shortened pants, football jerseys, mended stuffed animals and security blankets and monogrammed just about everything under the sun.  I even ‘altered’ three pairs of underwear, true story, details omitted, you’re welcome. 

The past six months have reminded me that we’re all just people with the same needs, living everyday life, no matter how different we may seem to each other at times.  I used to say, “Think of me as your friend with a machine - No job is too small.”   I guess now I can say “Think of me as your friend with pets and a machine, and a machine and pets…

Wagging our tails as we sign off,

The Gracefully Stitched STL Team


Thankful for Piles of Joy


The Art of Winning & Learning